India coming up

Lots of news about India lately – Coca-Cola is introducing a milk-based drink, Vio, into major markets in the country, and the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority has developed systems for organic dairy farming. I think the trend is that India, long a major consumer of dairy, is getting set to become a dairy powerhouse outside its borders. But actually, India could just provide for its domestic market of 1.25 billion, and do very well without export. Like China, the population is big enough to support a lot of dairies.

There is a lot going on in India. Its dairy hubs are working on keeping the farmer at the centre of the dairy supply chain, and ensuring quality and safety of milk products through better processing and packaging. It is exciting to see emerging markets coming into their own. India appears to be building its dairy industry from the inside, which is good news for them.

I expect to see further exciting news from companies such as Amul, as well as big developments for international firms that operate there such as Nestlé and Tetra Pak. On the retail side, will coffee shops proliferate in India like they’re done in Asian countries, growing the fresh milk market? Will cheese making expand and into what types? Will chains of bubble tea outlets become commonplace? Or will India’s domestic market provide another worldwide dairy phenomenon such as paneer and lassi? I look forward to seeing the next chapter.

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