The global reach of dairy processing
Image: Tetra Pak
The news that Tetra Pak plans to begin a dairy processing task force joint coalition, to pull together participants from across the dairy sector to improve approaches to decarbonisation, is a welcome addition to the ongoing global Pathways to Dairy Net Zero Initiative.
As the packaging and processing machinery provider to more than 160 countries, the Swedish packaging giant is well-placed to reach the processing and packaging components of the initiative, according to Donald Moore, executive director of the Global Dairy Platform and editorial board member at Dairy Industries International.
The firm is also working to reduce food waste, which is an estimated $400 billion annually on a global scale. Not to mention its ongoing school milk programmes, which it has been involved with since 1962. To date, it has delivered more than 9.4 billion food packages to schools through school feeding programmes, and over 61 million children worldwide.
Most recently, the packaging company has begun a new school milk programme in Bangladesh, a country with some of the lowest milk consumption per capita in the world, at 175ml, whereas the recommended daily intake is 250ml. It also relies heavily on milk powder to meet current demand in some regions.
Only 9% of the milk collected in Bangladesh reaches industrial processors, with the rest marketed traditionally or informally, according to the Department of Livestock Services in Bangladesh. The livestock and development project will set up 20 new dairy hubs in various locations, for the ongoing formalisation of the local dairy sector. The milk from these points will be processed and packaged for school distribution. The goal is to reach 300 schools with 60,000 primary school students obtaining safe and nutritious milk.
As usual, a good job being done by the dairy industry. We may not be able to alleviate all the malnutrition issues currently and immediately, but the process is ongoing.
Don’t forget, to register for free for our Dairy Expo in Harrogate, 4-5 October.
We have even more speakers and exhibitors – inspection and weighing giant Mettler Toledo Ltd will discuss its perspective on the dairy sector at our conference on the first day, and Watershed Packaging, as well as Advanced Couplings Ltd joining us as exhibitors. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in person and there will be drinks after the first day to thank everyone for their support. Don’t miss out!
PS – It may be summer in the Northern Hemispehere but we are thinking ahead to the autumn gearing up for our September Expo Preview Issue, as well as October. Please send content to me or Samantha Bull at [email protected], [email protected].
- Suzanne Christiansen, editor, Dairy Industries International.
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