New cats September

After a summer holiday down in Devon and Dorset, eating a lot of ice cream and seafood, I am back in the office. We decided to further add to the excitement of my son starting sixth form (last two years of high school. Over here, you have a five-year secondary school stint, and then can apply to any other sixth form school for the last two years), by getting cats from the local cat protection. They are both sisters and about four months old. 

One forgets, like children, how busy kittens are. I came down to a collective of kitten wreckage – pillows on floors, all food consumed, something I thought was tucked securely away, out on the floor and unravelled. 

They have ignored the sumptuous cat bed I purchased for them, in favour of sleeping on the cushioned chairs tucked under the table. This is like every other cat we have had. Back to vacuuming the chairs regularly so as to not have hairy bottoms. We also understand that to the cats, we are the staff. But pets have many rewards and these are small prices to pay.  

Meanwhile, it’s September and we are all gearing up for the big event in October, Dairy Industries Expo. Lots of scurrying around behind the scenes, for the opening of our inaugural event. So much to do and prepare, but like the cats, well worth the effort. In some ways, we discover that anything worth doing is not always the easiest thing to do, but the results will pay off, in seeing everyone in glorious Harrogate networking, showcasing their equipment and services solely for the dairy industry. Not to forget the interesting seminars that will occur over the two days. There will be many things discussed that pertain to dairy processes and products, and all the steps involved, from conception to production to retail. It promises to be a cracking two days in October, and this time next month, we will be right in the middle of it all. Too exciting! Make sure you don’t miss out on this event and see you there. 

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