Advanced Lipids adds two infant formula ingredients

Advanced Lipids is launching two new additions to its Infat range of infant formula ingredients.
A new premium offering, Infat Pro, offers higher levels of sn-2 palmitate, while Infat MF is a special blend containing milk fat. Both new products will be unveiled at Food Ingredients Europe, 3-5 December in Paris.
Breastfed babies receive many of their nutritional needs from palmitic acid, the most common saturated fatty acid in humans. 70–80% of the palmitic acid in human milk is attached to the glycerol backbone in the sn-2 position, which facilitates calcium and fat absorption. However, in many oils used in formula, sn-2 concentration is as low as 8–10%.
Infat – Advanced Lipids’ original fat ingredient – contains around 40–45% sn-2 palmitate, enabling formulas to more closely provide many of the benefits of breast milk.
The new premium product, Infat Pro, offers even higher levels of sn-2 palmitate – as much as 60% – allowing better absorption of calcium and fat.
Marcus Gliwitzki, CEO at Advanced Lipids, said: “Infat Pro allows formula manufacturers to get even closer to the benefits of breast milk. It offers all the advantages of our original formulation but with even more sn-2 palmitate. This means fat, calcium and other essential nutrients can be better absorbed, supporting infant health and development.”
The other new product is Infat MF, a special blend made with milk fat. Adding lipid components from milk to formula offers natural taste, and together with high sn-2, the product is designed to offer “the best of both worlds”.
In addition to Infat, Infat Pro, and Infat MF, Advanced Lipids offers Infat Plus, which is designed to be closer to the structure of the breast milk of women from China.
Ronald van der Knaap, chairman of Advanced Lipids, said: “The ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach no longer works in formula markets, where it’s increasingly important for manufacturers to offer consumers a choice. We’ve worked hard to develop these innovative new additions to our range, and we’re delighted to have the chance to showcase them at FIE.”
All the products will be showcased at Booth #6Q51 of Food Ingredients Europe