Swiss DeCode launches new label to improve consumer trust in A2 milk products
Swiss food testing company SwissDeCode has launched the “A2 INSIDE Label,” an exclusive label intended to help the end consumer clearly identify the efforts of dairy producers in guaranteeing authentic A2 milk products.
The label will be used by companies who analyse their herds and milk batches with the rapid DNA tests from SwissDeCode. Companies registered with the A2 INSIDE Label commit to ensuring their products have been tested, and benefit from special promotional materials and discounted test kits.
The dairy industry is often subjected to fraud, and premium products such as A2 milk are particularly vulnerable to adulteration. Consumers worry about fraudulent milk claims, and dairy companies face an increasing need for improving customer’s confidence. Without clear regulations and standards for the production of A2 milk, companies are looking for solutions that can help validate the quality of their products.
SwissDeCode has developed the DNAFoil A2 Family of Tests: the world’s first rapid, on-site DNA tests for A2 cows and A2 milk. These tests allow dairy farmers and dairy processing companies to identify A2 milk- producing cows and to assess the authenticity of A2 milk batches.
Customers who purchase and conduct the DNAFoil A2 Cow Test and/or the DNAFoil A2 Cow Milk Test can apply to receive exclusive access to the new label.
Batches of milk or milk from cows that tested negative for the presence of the A1 beta-casein can bear the A2 INSIDE Label, which can be accompanied by a QR Code. When scanned, this code leads the consumer to a dedicated website explaining the concept of A2 milk and the testing process that cows and milk went through in order to receive the A2 INSIDE Label.
In addition, SwissDeCode will coordinate promotional campaigns with the members of the program, so they can distinctly demonstrate their commitment to providing authentic products, increasing credibility, trust and brand recognition, not merely in the eyes of the consumer, but also with business partners and stakeholders.
Several companies already demonstrated their interest in being part of the program and displaying the new label on their packaging, including one of the world’s top dairy producers.
Brij Sahi, CEO & co-founder of SwissDeCode, said: “By granting a quick identification of tested A2 milk products, this label facilitates the decision-making process for consumers and boosts their trust in the brand. For companies, this represents a higher brand reputation and the possibility to protect premium revenue.”
Dairy producers interested in prioritising transparency and consumers’ trust can learn more about the A2 INSIDE label at: