Cathedral City extends convenient format range with Grated Extra Mature

Saputo Dairy UK has announced the launch of a new Extra Mature line within its popular range of grated Cathedral City formats.
Cathedral City Extra Mature Grated launches in Asda this month (August 2021) and will be on shelves in Sainsbury’s in October 2021, building on the existing range of Mature and Mature Lighter, which continues to grow in popularity.
Available in a 180g re-sealable pack, the Extra Mature Grated launch comes in response to a 17% growth of the grated cheese sector in the last year1, within which Extra Mature grated has over-indexed (+26%).
Neil Stewart, Cathedral City marketing controller, comments: “Over the last year we’ve seen huge growth of grated cheese, with consumers increasingly looking for ways to prep their meals more quickly and easily while juggling busy lives. As life returns to a more ‘normal’ routine and its pace notches up still further, we expect this demand to accelerate.
“Our Extra Mature Grated launch seeks to capitalise on this growth, offering our same rich and creamy Extra Mature taste Cathedral City consumers know and love, in a convenient pre-grated format.”
Stewart continues: “We know that a third of shoppers who buy our Cathedral City Extra Mature block cheese -our second most popular variant within block – buy only this strength profile3. Expanding our grated range enables us to offer these Extra Mature lovers a more convenient solution for assembling their meals, without compromising on quality.
Building on the recent launch of Cathedral City Mini Extra Mature within Adult Cheese Snacks (announced March 2021), the new line fortifies the range of Cathedral CityExtra Mature formats now available in market.
Cathedral City remains the UK number one and nation’s favourite cheese brand, valued at £306m2 and bought by almost half of all UK households.3
- IRI Total Grocers (including Ocado) + Kantar Worldpanel Discounters, Volume Sales, 52 w/e 12 Jun 2021
- IRI Total Grocers (including Ocado) + Kantar Worldpanel Discounters, Value Sales, 52 w/e 12 Jun 2021
- Kantar Worldpanel 52we 13th Jun 2021