FAO releases 2020 dairy report
World dairy output has continued to increase, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation’s overview of global dairy market developments in 2020.
UK dairy trade surplus fell in 2020
According to the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board, the UK trade balance for all dairy products was up in volume terms in 2020, with a surplus of 33,000 tonnes compared to 93,000 tonnes in 2019.
Chinese imports up
Demand for milk and dairy products continues to grow strongly in China and with it imports, according to Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA).
Switzerland needs more butter
The branch organisation for the dairy sector BO Milch in Switzerland has submitted an application to the Swiss government for further butter imports of 500 tonnes.
Global cheese markets hit record highs
In 2019, the global cheese market increased by 2.3%, rising for the third year in a row after two years of decline, according to a new report from IndexBox.
Squaring the circle
The increase in national labelling laws in what is supposed to be a European single market, is just one of the things people are dealing with, while trying to square the circle that is the post-pandemic world.
China gives green light to whey permeate imports
On 15 May 2020, China published an official safety and quality standard for using permeate powders in food processing, signifying that its market is ready to accept imports of the ingredient.
Japan lowers NFDM imports but maintains butter
Planned Japanese imports for non-fat dairy milk have decreased as a result of increasing domestic production due to low demand for fresh milk during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dairy prices up in 2019, says FAO
International dairy prices, measured by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) dairy price index, averaged 3% higher in 2019, compared to a year earlier when they fell by 4.6%.
Austria exports increased in 2018
Austria’s milk exports rose by 6.9% to €936 million in the first nine months of 2018, reaching a record high.