UHT milk
The lure of long life
Often long-life UHT or ESL milk is the ‘left on the shelf’ type of milk product, especially here in the UK. However, I looked at the aisle in one supermarket last week and saw that the long-life milk section was empty.
Yotvata installs new aseptic PET line
Liquid dairy manufacturer Yotvata Dairy by Strauss Group, has installed a secondu aseptic complete PET line from Sidel
Emmi acquires stake in Brazil’s Laticínios Porto Alegre
Emmi is acquiring a 40% stake in Brazil’s Laticínios Porto Alegre Indústria e Comércio S/A, based in Ponte Nova in the state of Minas Gerais.
Beverages in Vietnam part of Fonterra/Coca-Cola linkup
Coca-Cola Vietnam Beverages has unveiled three new Nutriboost UHT milk products featuring Fonterra’s New Zealand dairy
Business & trade, Dairy processing, Dairy science, End products, Ingredients
Bericap creates new PET cap
Bericap has created a new closure for aseptic PET bottles that provides the required UV light barrier while increasing the range of colours available to manufacturers.
SIG expands Nestlé partnership to Brazil
SIG has recently expanded its long term global partnership with Nestlé to Brazil.
IDF World Dairy Situation 2018 report launched
The IDF World Dairy Situation 2018 report has been launched at the World Dairy Summit, which takes pace in Daejeon, Korea this week.
Business & trade, Dairy processing, Dairy science, End products, Ingredients, Regulatory, Sustainability