Coming up in 2025

I’m taking a pause from watching the Paris Olympics and trying not to vent my frustration at the BBC inexplicably switching from a brilliant gold medal tennis match yesterday to shooting and so forth, to give you all some exciting news.

At Dairy Industries International, we are planning for the future.

Yes, the Dairy Industries Expo will be running again in the UK next year, with a view towards bringing to the industry what has been demanded from industry professionals – a dedicated event that encompasses the entire dairy processing chain, from processor to plate.

The Dairy Industries Expo will bring together the latest in processing machinery and services, packaging machines and materials, turnkey suppliers, quality control and assurance, ingredients, and logistics, creating the most comprehensive international dairy processing show, all under one roof.

Targeting the entire dairy processing and manufacturing industry, the event will provide a platform for meeting new customers and strengthening relationships with current clients. This is the industry’s own event, set to deliver all the latest innovations and developments – from butter, yogurt and milk, to ice cream, cheese and whey, and so much more.

This means, sadly, that we will not be working with our friends at the International Cheese & Dairy Awards next year, as we’re looking to cover the entire spectrum of dairy products and services with our event. Cheese is obviously a wonderful, diverse product type, but it is just one colour of the rainbow that is dairy.

So, keep an eye out on your inbox and on the socials, as we will be announcing the dates and venues coming up. Every year we plan to get bigger and better, and 2025 is set to be a great show for the expo and the industry. Don’t miss out!

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Dairy Industries International