DBV has plans for the quality mark system

On Milk, the specialist forum of the German Farmers Association (DBV) held at the end of January, standard definitions and industry communication and their benefits for German milk producers were discussed. The activities in both areas are important building blocks of the 2030 strategy of the German dairy industry.

“For higher production standards, including their marking, we need planning, financing and implementation possibility. Only in this triad we can bring milk producers the conversion of animal husbandry demanded by the society. This requires a coordinated involvement of all involved in the chain: dairy cattle holder, dairies, trade, consumers and politics. Political framework conditions, which act supportive, are indispensable here, such as, for example, improvements in building and approval law,” says DBV vice president and dairy farmer Karsten Schmal.

With the intended offer of a reward of the QM-Milk system, the vice president sees a chance for German dairy farmers for more visibility and value creation. For this purpose, the highest possible animal welfare module, QM+, has been defined, and its implementation is now due in April.

The starting of industry communication, Initiative Milk, in the second half of 2021, was a success, Schmal notes. “We managed, in a sector with approximately 55,000 dairy farmers and 150 dairies, to set a jointly carried out industry communication. The discussions in the next topic, ‘Industry Communication & Nutrition’ have showed that the communicative challenges will be no less, but the industry has taken the right path.

“As industry, we are open and learn every day. Milk must be kept as sustainable and healthy food in the heads of our consumers,” states the vice president.

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