World Milk Day celebrated globally

On 1 June, World Milk Day was celebrated globally with various events worldwide. These events included initiatives by the National Association of Interprofessional Milk Federation in Niger (ANFILAIT) for promoting milk in Niger. The celebration took place in Niamey, Niger, at the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center. The day was an inclusive and participatory approach from all stakeholders in the Niger milk sector, including a conference on, “Milk, a Strategic Product for Achieving Food Sovereignty in Niger.” The event was followed by an information and awareness caravan to spread educational messages to the public on the role of local dairy products in nutrition. Local milk advocacy kits consisting of dairy product tasting products were prepared and given to host visitors and partners.

Down in South Africa, the Consumer Education Project of Milk SA ran an online media awareness campaigns nationwide for the month of June. “During the planned social media campaign for SA youth (15-25), we encourage our followers to share the goodness of dairy with friends family and loved ones no matter the occasion. The campaign runs across our @DairyGivesYouGo social media channels and will make use of several youth influencers to showcase how the #EnjoyDAIRY and #ShareDAIRY with their loved ones. The campaign has a goal to reach five million!” according to the organisers.

In Japan, people in the dairy sector and milk fans were encouraged to share their gratitude using hashtags on social media, along with posting photos and videos of work at dairy farms and factories. Educational tools were also distributed online and in-person, along with the birth of a new YouTube character, Rokuichi-kun, who explains dairy information in an easy to understand way to Japanese consumers and children.

In South America, the focus was to boost the celebration of World Milk Day with several activities. A seminar with Universidad de Los Lagos was organised, speaking about the positive effects of dairy public programme on the Chilean population, while also commemorating 50 years of Purita Milk. Additionally, there was a webinar organised with Fepale to share the benefits of public policies related to dairy consumption.

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