Code of conduct for UK dairy supply chain announcedA new statutory Code of Conduct will be developed for the UK dairy sector to increase fairness in the supply chain and help farmers become more competitive. Business & trade, Regulatory
Government launches UK-wide consultation into dairy sector to tackle supply chain issuesThe UK government, working with the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, has launched a consultation seeking to end any unfair practices across the UK’s dairy sector. Business & trade, Dairy processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
UK farmers invited to shape new Environmental Land Management schemeFarmers and interested parties throughout England will have the chance to shape the future of Environmental Land Management (ELM) by taking part in one of six upcoming online webinars. Business & trade, Regulatory, Sustainability
Scheme details announced for UK dairy response fund UK Farming minister, Victoria Prentis, has confirmed that the government’s new dairy response fund will open for applications on 18 June. Business & trade