EDA comments on the CAP provisional deal

Image credit: EDA
The European Union has successfully completed its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) trilogue negotiations and reached a provisional agreement. The commitment from the European Parliament, especially European Parliament agri chair Norbert Lins (EPP, DE), rapporteurs Peter Jahr (EPP, DE), Ulrike Müller (Renew, DE) and Eric Andrieu (S&D, FR) as well as the Portuguese presidency represented by Minister Maria do Céu Antunes, has paid off, the European Dairy Association says.
Milk and dairy products are among the EU’s top agricultural sectors and EDA has been following the negotiations closely, the association reports. As the voice of the European milk processing industry, EDA has been during the last years in close contact with all relevant stakeholders to ensure a good outcome on the dairy essential parts, especially in the Common Market Organization (CMO).
“The CMO is an essential part of the acquis Communautaire for the agri-food sector and of utmost importance for the dairy sector. Its implementation is key to the competitiveness of the dairy sector in the different regions of the EU. Our preliminary analysis shows that today’s deal takes into account the need for a market orientated CAP while giving dairy farmers and processors the needed support to adapt to the new challenges. This is a significant step forward and good news for the dairy industry,” says EDA secretary general Alexander Anton.