European Union
Mandatory milk origin labelling decree annulled by French Conseil d’État
On 10 March 2021, the French Conseil d’État annulled for excess of power the French decree on mandatory origin labelling for milk.
Irish food and drink exports decline but dairy increases
Dairy continues to be the largest export segment for Ireland, with an increased value of €5.16 billion.
“Mozzarella di Gioia del Colle” obtains PDO
The mozzarella of ‘Gioia del Colle’ has been officially been registered with a protected designation of origin (PDO).
EU wins latest WTO round with US
The World Trade Organisation has recently ruled in the European Union’s favour in the latest round of the Airbus-Boeing dispute.
Unions urge free trade agreement between EU and UK
If the UK moves to trading on World Trade Organisation terms after 2020, agro-food goods would attract the highest level of tariffs with inevitable consequences on trade levels and jobs, according to several unions in the UK, Ireland & EU.
Defending dairy
This week promises to be one where people smack their heads and try to figure out what others are thinking. As in, doing things like the following: signing their company’s name to a letter where it basically asks the European Union to take out Amendment 171 in the Common Agricultural Policy Reform. This is the one ensuring that the words “milk”, “cheese”, “yoghurt”, “butter” or “whey” are used exclusively for products that contain dairy milk.
EDA urges pragmatism be made a priority for EU-UK future relationship
The European Dairy Association (EDA) has called for an unprecedented level of pragmatism to the upcoming negotiation rounds on the EU-UK future relationship.
EDA applauds single market versus national labelling
General advocate Gerard Hogan has issued his legal opinion in the ECJ court case C- 485/18 on the French national origin labelling decree, defending the single market principle, the European Dairy Association reports.
Squaring the circle
The increase in national labelling laws in what is supposed to be a European single market, is just one of the things people are dealing with, while trying to square the circle that is the post-pandemic world.
New WWF and WRAP report sets out guidance on halving food waste by 2030
The report analyses the EU’s progress on Food Loss and Waste (FLW) and sets out guidance for governments, industry, researchers and NGOs on how to reach this target.
Cap funding and UK-EU link key for German EU presidency
Germany will take over the rotating EU Council Presidency in July 2020 and it has a lot on its plate, with the Covid-19 induced crisis, climate change, and a troubled global trade environment.
EU-Vietnam trade deal ratified
Vietnam has ratified the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service reports.