European Dairy Association


Moving on in the European Union

Going to the European Dairy Association meeting in Brussels last week was kind of like having dinner with an ex for British attendees. The European Union has dealt with Brexit and moved on, bought a house and they’re planning on getting another member or two to add to their growing family.

The time is now

The UK is still part of the EU, even if it is just geographically. As we are all discovering with climate change, the issues facing agriculture are the same, no matter where in Europe one lies and what one’s status is. Location triumphs over all.


EDA takes on Nestlé

A letter signed by several multinational companies including Unilever and Nestlé asks that the European Parliament reconsider some of its premises, including current provisions ensuring the words “milk”, “cheese”, “yoghurt”, “butter” or “whey” are used exclusively for products that contain dairy milk.

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Virtual autumn meeting hubs

Things have changed a lot since the beginning of the year, to say the least. One of these changes, due to coronavirus, has been the rise of the virtual conference and webinars. Events managers are working hard to make online conferences and sessions to grab the online viewers’ interests.

Masure retires at EWPA as Anton takes reins

After 25 years at the service in and for the European lactosphère, the deputy secretary general of the European Dairy Association (EDA) and secretary general of European Whey Processors Association (EWPA), Bénédicte Masure will take her retirement.

Dairy Industries International