NZMP launches tools to increase transparency of product level emissions data
Image: NZMP
NZMP, Fonterra’s dairy ingredients and solutions brand, has launched its new digital Carbon Footprinter, which will enable customers to access 2023 emissions data for the NZMP New Zealand sourced dairy products they purchase. Potential emission reductions for those products can also be forecasted out to 2030, based on the assumption that Fonterra successfully achieves its 2030 climate targets.
In an effort to continue leading the way and extend transparency with customers, the Carbon Footprinter follows the launch of the Fonterra Climate Roadmap late last year, which outlines Fonterra’s current emissions position and the actions it will take to achieve its emissions reduction targets.
Gillian Munnik, global markets, director sales & marketing, says the new Carbon Footprinter is believed to be the first of its kind and scale in the dairy industry, and makes it quick and easy for customers to access NZMP product emissions data.
“We know that for many of our customers, our NZMP products form a large part of their Scope 3 emissions. We are being open and transparent and making it simple for our customers to understand how our climate plans and actions directly relate to the ingredients they purchase from us,” says Munnik.
“Fonterra’s New Zealand farmers already have one of the world’s lowest on-farm emissions footprints, and this new tool demonstrates that NZMP has the dairy expertise and mindset to support our customers with their own emissions reduction journey.”
Customers can select from NZMP’s major New Zealand sourced dairy product categories, input the volume bought and easily retrieve the emissions data of the products they purchase.
To provide independent assurance of NZMP product-level emissions, Carbon Footprint Certificates will also be available for customers to request free of charge via a New Zealand based and globally recognised sustainability accreditor, Toitū Envirocare.
Fonterra has been taking steps towards reducing its climate impact for many years, with actions including measuring its emissions footprint across its supply chain for more than 15 years and issuing annual sustainability reports since 2018.
To find out more about NZMP and its Carbon Footprinter, visit