Emmi invests in Swiss cheese

EMMEN/LU 24. JUNI 2021 - Emmi investiert am Standort Emmen 50 Millionen Franken in eine moderne, ressourcenschonende Kaeserei zur Herstellung von Schweizer Kaesespezialitaeten auch für den Export. Die fuer Emmi und den Produktionsstandort Zentralschweiz bedeutende Investition und Grundsteinlegung wurde im Beisein von Amtstraegern des Kantons Luzern wie Staenderat Damian Mueller und Regierungsrat Fabian Peter feierlich begangen. Die Inbetriebnahme der neuen Kaeserei ist auf Ende 2022 vorgesehen. Auftrag: Ann-Katharin Kleinthomae, Projektleiterin Neue Kaeserei Emmen. COPYRIGHT BY: THOMI STUDHALTER, EMMI

The Swiss dairy group Emmi is investing CHF 50 million (€45.7m) in a new cheese dairy at the Emmen site. The new dairy is scheduled to go into operation at the end of 2022. It replaces the existing cheese dairy building, which is over 40 years old, and the new dairy offers space for highly professional and resource-saving cheese production and creates additional capacities in line with the long-term growth plans.

Immediately after receiving the building permit, work on site began in mid-November 2020. Since then, a new parking lot has been built so that civil engineering can start on the previous truck parking lot.

The excavation and drilling of around 150 piles was completed in May. After the foundation work has been completed, the salt water tanks have been moved and new external tanks have been installed.

At CHF50 million, the new cheese dairy in Emmen is one of the most important investment projects in its history for Emmi.

“With regional milk from Central Switzerland we will be producing even more high-quality cheeses, such as our Lucerne cream cheese, for the whole world in the future,” says Marc Heim, who is deputy CEO of Emmi and head of the Switzerland Division.

Now the foundation stone has been laid, construction work on the base plate and the erection of the walls can be continued. The actual dairy building should be completed by the end of the year.

Commissioning, initially in parallel with the existing cheese dairy, is still planned for the end of 2022.



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