Global Dairy Platform highlights positive impact of Dairy Nourishes Africa in achievements report

Global Dairy Platform (GDP) created Dairy Nourishes Africa (DNA) to demonstrate the positive impact the global dairy sector can have in helping to solve some of the world’s greatest challenges, GDP said in its 2021 Key Achievements report. DNA is a public-private partnership that incorporates a full value chain approach, where farmer-allied dairy processors are the linchpin for driving transformational improvement, GDP notes. DNA connects local, underutilised, undervalued and inefficient resources with the expertise and experience of the global dairy sector to deliver impactful economic, environmental and societal change.
DNA showcases the power of the dairy food system to deliver the United Nations’ SDGs by creating equitable, resilient, sustainable, replicable business models that provide essential nutrition and local empowerment where it is most needed, according to the organisation.
DNA has delivered strong results across the entire dairy value chain during the initial pilot phase in Tanzania by growing consumer demand, helping processors improve revenue, increasing cow productivity and farmer incomes and reducing on-farm greenhouse gas emission intensity. It helped one dairy processor, Grande Demam, survive the impact of Covid-19 and achieve its best year yet. This in turn helped protect the livelihoods of the more than 800 smallholder farmers that supply Grande Demam.
Having developed a successful and repeatable model in Tanzania during the pilot phase, DNA will soon expand to Kenya and other East African countries in 2022. Over the next five years, DNA expects to reach ten million consumers, feed 40,000 children daily, accelerate 50 farmer-allied dairy enterprises and support 80,000 farmers.
GDP works closely with Land O’Lakes Venture37 and Bain & Company as implementation partners for the DNA project. For more information visit