On-the-go on the increase in UK

Consumption of dairy products is increasing among British consumers, and children’s development remains a key growth driver, according to a new report from Canadean. In particular, there are opportunities to target busy parents with on-the-go dairy products such as milk or yogurt, says the research analyst. UK consumers are increasing the demand for dairy products, and the overall UK dairy market volume will grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 1.8% up to 2018. Butter, milk and yogurt are the fastest rising categories.
Many parents in the UK follow the official guidance that kids up to the age of nine need calcium, potassium, fibre, and vitamins from cow’s milk as part of their healthy development. As such, the average British child is consuming milk at least 10 times a week and more than three yogurts a week. Raquel Perez-Lopez, analyst at Canadean notes, “Both children and their parents are increasingly busy, with hectic schedules filled with extra-curricular activities and work. This means more convenient dairy products are needed to suit their busy lifestyles. Almost five percent of dairy products consumed by kids and babies are selected because they are convenient. This might appear low, but equates to a £193 million (€244.4m) market.”
Children are attracted to a product’s appearance, as well as how easy they are to consume. Meanwhile, parents focus is often on the products’ health aspects. Consequently, dairy companies need to provide bright, eye-catching designs that provide on-the-go convenience; while also highlighting the health benefits to appeal to parents, canadean says.
Between 2013 and 2018 the demand for yogurt drinks in the UK will grow 30% faster than the demand for standard set yogurt. According to Perez-Lopez, the category is suited for children’s lunchboxes. Further opportunities also lie in the milk category, she notes. “Sugar-free flavoured milks in individual cartons also meet parents’ need to provide convenient health.”