What was your World Milk Day like?
Image: Dairy UK
Last week, it was World Milk Day for the 22nd year. I celebrated by taking part in Dairy UK’s informative and interested Lactose and the Evolution of Dairy Consumption webinar. I have to say, I find the history of dairy a fascinating one. Basically, we have been drinking milk and making cheese since people first domesticated animals, 10,000 years ago. Our history and that of our livestock is intertwined. I could have listened to these speakers all day.
There was also discussion of how the perception of dairy and its impact on human health is also combined, but often to the loss of the humans who don’t have it regularly. Unfortunately, as one researcher put it, we can’t have a 50-year study on the people who don’t drink milk, and the chance of osteoporosis and lower bone density decades later. However, the non-dairy drink marketers of today may have a lot to answer for tomorrow, when the medical outcomes occur, I feel.
The last but not least was a discussion of how fermented foods improve one’s gut microbiome. I mentally patted myself on the back for that big glug of kefir I put on the morning’s porridge with fruits. And for the yogurt I consume most days.
There will be more news of this in our July issue, so don’t miss it, online and in print. Thanks to Dairy UK for the great way to celebrate.
How did World Milk Day start? In 2001, World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to recognise the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector. Each year since, the benefits of milk and dairy products have been actively promoted around the world, including how dairy supports the livelihoods of one billion people.
I hope you all raised a glass of milk to what we all know is the original superfood. Drink up! It’s the white stuff.
Yesterday was also National Cheese Day here in the UK. A worthwhile thing to celebrate, I believe, as cheese is a cornerstone ingredient in many different delicious cuisines.
#WorldMilkDay #EnjoyDairy #superfood
- Suzanne Christiansen, editor, Dairy Industries International.
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