dairy uk


Ageing well

Dairy UK’s Stronger for Longer event last year, examined the research done in using dairy to slow bone loss, preserve muscle mass and add nutrition to the diet of the older folks among us.

Moving forward with British dairy

The great and the good were out at Raffles London at the OWO, which welcomed the industry as the first event at the hotel. Suzanne Christiansen reports

The joy of dairy

The Dairy UK Annual Dinner was a highlight of my week last week. It highlighted the good work Dairy UK has been doing throughout the year, from the Dairy Roadmap to standardising carbon footprint tools throughout the industry, to raw milk contracts.


The burning Mediterranean (or, your country here)

The news here in the UK is filled with the fires on Rhodes (and now Corfu), and its implications for the tourist trade, which finances a lot of the Greek islands and southern countries. It also points in graphic detail to the eternal global warming issue that we are grappling with, and are leaving to future generations.

What was your World Milk Day like?

Last week, it was World Milk Day for the 22nd year. World Milk Day was established in 2001 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to recognise the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector.

Dairy Industries International