Whey, the Expo, The Traitors and cold water swimming

Congratulations to Sycamore Process Engineering, which has seen another project awarded, in conjunction with its cooperative partner, Wafilin Systems. The need for dairy derivatives remains strong, and getting a bespoke whey processing system installed will be a great addition to the overall sector.

In exciting news, we have our first speaker, the very talented and knowledgeable Dr Judith Bryans, chief executive of Dairy UK and former director general of the International Dairy Federation.

I know the Dairy Industries Expo is at the end of October, and it seems like ages away, but I can’t wait for what she has to say about our industry on the day. She has forgotten more about the global dairy community than most of us remember, and her talk is sure to be a proper keynote for our show.

I am not sure if you’ve been watching The Traitors here in the UK, but we are obsessed with season three here in the office. Interesting to see how one of the traitors, Linda, does everything in a calamitous manner, and yet still manages to not only be not discovered, but goes on to murder again. Minah, her fellow traitor, has the look of a person who has to continually clear up after whatever Linda gets up to. It is compelling television.

This weekend, I have been out for a swim in the cold water again with my ‘extreme swimmer’ friends. I’m busy trying to get my winter challenges done (going for Polar Bear this year), and swam in both the heated lido and the ‘having to break the ice’ docks. I think, rather bizarrely, having a dunk in the ice bath that is the outdoor dock is somewhat less stressful than being in warm water, and then having to get out into the very cold weather. I am not sure whether I am correct, but there is plenty of hot chocolate with milk being consumed afterwards in both instances.  It certainly helps.

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