Swiss organic butter dips, demand high

Due to lower organic milk production in Switzerland being seen, the country’s organic butter storage is getting very low, so processors are thinking of importing organic milk.
As a result of the lower supply, Swiss processors produce primarily fresh products such as drinking milk or yogurt in the summer. Durable products such as butter, on the other hand, are increasingly produced in the spring. when the organic milk supply is large, and then put into storage.
But it is different this year. According to the organic farmer’s association Bio Suisse, the inventory currently amounts to less than 30 tonnes. In the same period in 2016, there were almost 250 tonnes.
Availability of organic butter at the end of August is being questioned by Bio Suisse, while the remaining organic milk products are not affected by a bottleneck.
Switzerland’s largest milk processor Emmi is currently investigating alternatives to supply consumers – either import or get more organic milk in to produce butter. Displacement milk can come from farm that have changed to organic production, but still sell the milk through the conventional canal.
Organic foods are on the fast track in Switzerland. Bio Suisse reports annual growth figures of an increase in organic food sales by 7.8 % in 2016, and sales hit a high of CHF2.5 billion (€2.2bn). For dairy products, the organic share is now 12.6%.