Dairy UK responds to regulation of contracts consultation launch

Judith Bryans speaking at the All Party Parliamentary Group Cheese Reception in 2017
Following the publication of the consultation on the regulation of raw milk contracts, Dairy UK says it has welcomed the opportunity to provide evidence as part of the consultation process and to work together collaboratively in finding a solution.
Commenting on the launch of the consultation, Dr Judith Bryans, chief executive of Dairy UK said: “We’ve been expecting the launch of this consultation for some time now, and so today’s [24 June] announcement did not come as a surprise. We are in a good position to begin inputting to and collaboratively engaging with these policy proposals.
“Ultimately the best outcome for both processors and farmers will be a decision based on the totality of the evidence provided, and not one based only on emotion.
“Whilst ready to and keen to respond, we’re still mindful that the sector is still working its way through the ongoing the Covid-19 pandemic; that as a nation we continue to move quickly towards the end of the Brexit transition period; and we will see a step change in agricultural and environmental policies not seen for generations. There is already a lot on the plates of food businesses, to which regulation of contracts could significantly add to, if introduced.
“Nonetheless, we are looking forward to having constructive and evidence-based discussions with our members, our colleagues within farming representative organisations and government as we respond to this consultation.”