California Dairy Innovation Center to launch

The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB), the marketing order representing California dairy producers in the US, has announced the development of the California Dairy Innovation Center (CDIC), a collaborative effort to further product-oriented innovation and enhance productivity for California dairy, according to Perishable News.
The CDIC will feed dairy innovation efforts for the state with collaborations between California dairy producers, processors, and universities.
“The ‘centre’ is not a physical building or organisation, but rather a co-operative effort to leverage the tremendous brain trust of our California colleges and universities as well as the California dairy industry as a whole to support our mutual goals,” John Talbot, CEO of the CMAB says.
The CMAB is currently recruiting for a director to run the new centre. The role will also include coordinating research projects, and being a point of contact for researchers, educators, and business development representatives, as well as for processors interested in innovation efforts. This post will serve as an advocate for the dairy community by promoting innovation, product development, and workforce support; in addition to implementing competitive advantages for the dairy industry, according to CMAB.
California is the US’s top milk-producing state and is the second-largest producer of cheese and yogurt in the country.