Dairy could benefit from origin labelling
According to Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead, Scotland’s dairy sector could reap the benefits if the EU extends country of origin labelling to dairy products.
The issue is due to be discussed on Monday at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council. Mr Lochhead says, “Scotland has a number of world class dairy products that truly are the cream of the crop – with wide variety of excellent cheeses, milk, yoghurt and butter all made in our country. Our recently launched Dairy Action Plan makes clear that increasing exports can play a key part in helping the sector to a more sustainable future.
“I have no doubt that changes to EU rules to allow country of origin labelling for dairy products would boost our industry and allow them to capitalise on the provenance and reputation of our dairy sector.
“By ensuring products are clearly labelled as Scottish, as already happens with Scotch beef and lamb, our dairy industry could benefit from increased marketing and exposure in Europe and beyond. This could increase exports and the profitability of our industry and that’s why I am urging the EU to take forward country of origin labelling for dairy products as a matter of urgency and asking the UK Government to support us on this important issue.”