
Clearfleau Limited
Lily Hill Court
Lily Hill Road
RG12 2SJ
United Kingdom

Tel: 0844 477 6292

Email: [email protected]


Clearfleau designs and builds high rate anaerobic systems for on-site treatment of liquid bio-waste and renewable energy generation. .

Anaerobic Digestion (AD) combines on-site biogas production with residue and nutrient management, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The technology is also suited to the treatment of dairy residues such as whey - rather than process them elsewhere. AD is a well-established process for treatment of bio-degradable materials, where micro-organisms that thrive in an oxygen-free environment convert fats and proteins into biogas. Clearfleau's innovative on-site anaerobic system facilitates the efficient production of biogas from a range of liquid feedstocks in the dairy sector. The effectiveness of Clearfleau's process is due to highly effective mixing of liquors in the anaerobic reactor and sustained exposure of the active biomass to the incoming load.

A key advantage for the dairy industry is that it is the only high-rate AD process that can digest fatty effluents. BV Dairy's anaerobic digestion facility, designed and built by Clearfleau, was chosen by WRAP* (Waste and Resources Action Programme) as a national showcase for innovative on-site anaerobic digestion, in the dairy sector and food processing industry. Construction was completed in 2010 and the plant has been operational for 5 years. Now a number of other projects are being built in the dairy and food sectors, including First Milk’s Aspatria plant, commissioned by Lake District Biogas, which will supply bio-methane to the gas grid. For most dairy sector AD plants payback should be less than 5 years. The Aspatria plant processes effluent and whey permeate to supply renewable energy back to the site. The dairy industry is well suited to on-site digestion of its process residues and the Lake District Biogas plant will be the first AD plant in Europe to supply biogas to the grid, generated solely from dairy processing feedstocks.

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Dairy Industries International