Ulma supplies Eurilait with the perfect cheese packaging solution

Packaging machinery manufacturer, Ulma Packaging, has recently supplied Eurilait, a speciality dairy provider, with the ideal packaging solution. The FM305C, Ulma’s latest flow wrapping machine, proved to be the ideal fit for Eurilait’s diverse range of French and British cheeses.

For over a decade, Ulma has been a pivotal part of Eurilait’s growth, which started with the installation of a NEVADA flow wrapping machine in 2006. As Eurilait’s business expanded, so did their need for a more advanced packaging solution to replace their ageing NEVADA; Ulma’s FM305C emerged as the superior choice, offering unmatched flexibility and efficiency.

“Our previous machine served us well for nearly two decades, but natural wear and tear began to impact its performance, prompting us to upgrade,” explained Damian Wills, engineering manager at Eurilait. “We have a longstanding relationship with the Ulma team, having purchased multiple machines in the past. So, I simply contacted our dedicated contact and shared our specific criteria.”

Designed for fresh food products, the stainless-steel FM305C offers remarkable flexibility, thanks to its box motion sealing head powered by two independent motors. While accommodating different product shapes and sizes, the FM305C ensures high-quality hermetic seals, thereby preserving the freshness of Eurilait’s cheeses.

Nick Ghent, sales manager at Ulma Packaging, said: “Given that many fresh food businesses offer multiple products, having a packaging line that can adapt accordingly is essential. When Damian explained Eurilait’s needs, it became clear that the FM305C was the perfect fit.”

After determining that the FM305C fully met Eurilait’s requirements, the team promptly placed the order. Subsequently, several of Eurilait’s key team members visited Ulma’s headquarters in Spain for a pre-delivery inspection of the packaging solution. This crucial step in the Ulma process allowed Eurilait to assess the machine and identify any necessary customisations. This proactive approach facilitated a seamless transition and installation at Eurilait’s Somerset facility.

Following installation, Eurilait renewed its servicing contract with Ulma, further solidifying the trust and reliance on Ulma’s extensive network of expert engineers and their prompt, effective maintenance services. This ongoing support underlines Ulma’s exceptional post-installation care and commitment to long-term client relationships.

For more information, visit https://www.ulmapackaging.co.uk.

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