Quality programme launches in Germany as QM-Milch

The Dutch milk quality and certification programme, Qlip, is now concentrating on also implementing the German QM-Milch programme, which is a business-to-business standard between milk producers and dairies for the first stage of the production chain. QM-Milch shall guarantee that not only the quality and safety of the product is ensured, but that the entire production process can be made transparent and traceable.

In order to be recognised as a certification body for QM-Milch, Qlip must be accredited for the programme. The Dutch Accreditation Council has carried out an online office audit, accompanied by an online audit during a physical audit in two German dairy farms. Everything went according to plan, so the Dutch Accreditation Council announced that Qlip met the requirements and received accreditation for QM-Milch.

The QM-Milch accreditation is a supplement to the activities, which Qlip is already pursuing on the German market. In addition to the QM-Milch programme, Qlip is also accredited for the German programmes VLOG, Weidemilch and Pro Weideland and carries out numerous audits at milk producers and dairies in Germany.

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