Three billion aluminium-free SIG cartons now used in Europe’s dairies

Image: SIG
SIG has hit another milestone in the company’s aluminium-free journey and achieve another first for the industry, as the three billionth SIG aseptic carton pack using packaging material without an aluminium layer was delivered for use in the European dairy industry.
Since 2010, SIG has been expanding its aluminium-free solutions for achieving higher recyclability of carton packs, by simplifying the material structure and increasing the proportion of paper, using its SIG Terra Alu-free and SIG Terra Alu-free + Forest-based polymers packaging material in the dairy sector.
Robert Kummer, sales director aseptic cartons Europe at SIG, says, “Our customers want to minimise the footprint of their products every step of the way and we work closely together to innovate even more sustainable food and beverage packaging solutions for their needs. Having now delivered our three billionth carton pack without an aluminium layer to the dairy industry, this is a first and important milestone on our journey to end the use of aluminium in our packs.”
SIG’s packaging solutions, using packaging materials without an aluminium layer, have cut the carbon footprint of its standard packaging material by 23% for its SIG Terra Alu-free, while SIG Terra Alu-free + Forest-based polymers, 100% linked to renewable, forest-based materials via a certified mass-balancing system, offers a 63% lower carbon footprint compared to SIG’s standard packaging material.
José Matthijsse, president and general manager Europe at SIG, adds, “The benefits of our aluminium-free packaging solutions push the boundaries when it comes to mixing sustainability and convenience. We continue to strive to develop our alu-free options further, including future plans to develop a full-barrier aluminium-free aseptic packaging structure with at least 90% paper content by 2030, with an interim target of at least 85% by 2025.”
SIG packaging materials without aluminium layer can be run on installed SIG filling lines, and only minor modifications are required, without the need for additional capital expenditure, the company says.