Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB)
AHDB looks at UK dairy exports outlook
Global exports in dairy products are forecast to fall by 4.1% in 2020, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). This would be the steepest contraction in around 30 years if realised, notes Katherine Jack, an industry analyst with the UK’s AHDB.
Back in business
The overall dairy industry hasn’t been advertised on British television for the past two decades. However, this has now been rectified with the first generic dairy TV advert airing on 1 July, featuring a selection of iconic milk adverts on UK screens over the last seven decades.
Dairy back on UK TV screens after 20 years
The first dairy TV advert in 20 years has been aired this week, as part of the £1 million joint-funded dairy marketing campaign Milk Your Moments.
UK dairy sector launches £1m consumer marketing campaign
#MilkYourMoments encourages people to share their special moments of personal connection through their love of milk and great tasting dairy products, particularly in these challenging times.
It’s about transport
Late last week, both the US and the UK announced dairy assistance schemes. In the UK, Dairy UK and the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) are working together to bring the industry together to identify spare processing capacity, how to stimulate demand and how production could be temporarily reduced.
UK cream prices up before holidays
Cream prices had another exciting month in November, with a steadier start but prices then spiking in the latter weeks, reports the UK’s Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB).
AHDB reports on first quarter for UK, global supplies
In contrast to tightening milk supplies in the EU as a whole, UK milk production has been hitting 20-year highs every month so far this year, according to the UK AHDB.
UK butter deficit may increase under no deal Brexit, AHDB warns
Under a no-deal scenario, the UK would face the EU common external tariff on any exports sent to the EU, noted the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) in its newsletter.