Greek yogurt dispute

In Austria the association for consumer protection VKI (Verein für Konsumentschutz) has brought an injunction against Danone due to the presentation of the yogurt “Oikos Greek”. VKI is of the opinion that this yogurt suggests, because of its design, that it comes from Greece.
Danone countered that the addition on the packaging “yoghurt Greek style” clearly declares that it is not produced in Greece.
Oikos Greek – displayed in a blue and white packaging on the ancient columns – is produced in Germany.
It is claimed that the product name held in Greek characters is misleading customers. The yogurt gives the impression that the product actually comes from Greece.
The addition “yoghurt Greek style” in three languages is not sufficient to avoid any confusion, it is said.
Greek yogurt is a typical local product, which according to VKI preferably shall be produced in Greece.
Zou graag weten het suikergehalte en zout gehalte van de Griekse Yoghurt Oikos