Trade deal with Japan “critical” to US dairy industry
US dairy producers have voiced their concerns over the country’s trade deal with Japan, which is yet to be secured.
Devon cheese supplier set to triple first year sales targets
Millbrook Dairy Company is set to more than triple its first year’s sales targets, reaching £10million, with support from a £800,000 working capital facility from Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking.
EU signs new trade agreement with Vietnam
On 30 June, the EU signed a trade agreement with Vietnam. This comes just two days after the EU closed the deal on the Mercosur agreement.
Swiss add to exports
Cream cheese remains the most important import cheese in Switzerland and recorded the strongest growth in 2018.
Dairy UK calls for rethink on cheese tariffs
Dairy UK vice-chair Ash Amirahmadi has called for the government to work with the dairy sector to rethink its proposed tariffs on cheese.
Dairy industry wants more from trade aid package
The US dairy industry has seen an “unprecedented” numbers of bankruptcies in some parts of the country. Remaining dairy farmers are looking closely at what sort of boost they may get from the Trump administration’s trade aid package.
AHDB reports on first quarter for UK, global supplies
In contrast to tightening milk supplies in the EU as a whole, UK milk production has been hitting 20-year highs every month so far this year, according to the UK AHDB.
California Dairy CEO warns about US falling behind in trade
A recent testimony by Andrei Mikhalevsky, the president and CEO of California Dairies, given at the US House of Representatives underlined the issues facing the US dairy market.
No-deal Brexit would leave UK in mozzarella deficit
Under a no-deal Brexit scenario, the UK would face the EU common external tariff on any exports sent to the EU.
US proposes additional tariffs on EU dairy products
The US government has proposed placing additional import duties on a selection of EU dairy products, as part of a wider range of tariffs worth approximately $11bn.
UK butter deficit may increase under no deal Brexit, AHDB warns
Under a no-deal scenario, the UK would face the EU common external tariff on any exports sent to the EU, noted the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) in its newsletter.
Petschar with another happy message
Austrian dairies were able to export milk and dairy products in the amount of €1.23 billion in 2018. This represents an increase of €48 million or 4.1% compared to 2017.
Ireland stockpiling cheddar in case of no-deal Brexit
Recent trade figures show that Ireland has been stockpiling cheddar in the UK as a safeguard against a no-deal Brexit.