Dairy UK calls for rethink on cheese tariffs

Speaking at the Dairy UK Annual Dinner, Dairy UK vice-chair Ash Amirahmadi called for the government to work with the dairy sector to rethink its proposed tariffs on cheese.

Mr Amirahmadi outlined how although the government had recognised the importance of applying tariffs to dairy imports, those chosen for cheddar were inadequate to prevent price volatility or a loss of productivity and cause harm to the UK dairy industry. He also highlighted Dairy UK impact assessments on the effect of WTO tariff rates on the sector, which demonstrated a potential massive shock to raw milk prices.

Amirahmadi said: “One thing we can all agree on is that trade policy is key to the success of the sector going forward. We stand ready to work with our colleagues in government to ensure the voice of both dairy and agriculture is reflected in trade and tariff discussions.”

Mr Amirahmadi outlined the dairy industry’s proactivity on tackling environmental concerns, reflecting both the drive of the sector as well as consumers, to ensure the long-term sustainability of the industry. Over the course of the last decade the industry has achieved an 18% improvement in both energy and water efficiency and has recovered or recycled 93% of all factory produced waste.

Amirahmadi also highlighted future plans to work with industry group WRAP, to tackle consumer milk waste. He highlighted Dairy UK’s signatory status of the UK Plastics Pact, pledging effective action to deliver higher recycling rates, greater recycled content and eliminate single use plastics.

Mr Amirahmadi then went onto call on the industry to unite and fight the misinformation on dairy from detractors, highlighting that dairy foods continue to be found in 96% of fridges in the UK despite reports than consumers were turning away from the category. In closing, he said: “If we don’t inspire our consumers to continue to love our products, nobody will. We all have a role to play in telling the dairy story”.

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