International Cheese & Dairy Expo


Calling the dairy industry

From far and wide, exhibitors and attendees are travelling to attend the International Cheese & Dairy Expo, being held at Staffordshire Country Showground in Stafford, UK on 27 June. Beijing Kwinbon Technology and Novonesis are the latest to join them.

Tern tables and social networks

Our International Cheese and Dairy Expo is happening on 27 June at Staffordshire County Showground. It will be a place of gathering and meeting up, both of old and new friends. It is free to attend, so come along and socialise and look at equipment and products that are central to our industry.

At the hub of the matter

The International Dairy Federation launched its Women in Dairy Knowledge Hub, an initiative aimed at providing resources and fostering collaboration for Women Empowerment in the global dairy sector, on International Women’s Day, which was Friday 8 March.


History and our industry

The dairy industry has a long and rich history of providing food across the globe, and the farmers’ current protests highlight the need for that fact to be more appreciated in our society.

Dairy Industries International